Tuesday, September 20, 2011

#CHEAP Solay Himalayan Salt Crystal Lamps (35-50lbs)Solay Wellness, Inc.

Solay Himalayan Salt Crystal Lamps (35-50lbs)

Solay Himalayan Salt Crystal Lamps (35-50lbs)

CHEAP,Discount,Buy,Sale,Bestsellers,Good,For,REVIEW, Solay Himalayan Salt Crystal Lamps (35-50lbs)Solay Wellness, Inc.,Wholesale,Promotions,Shopping,Shipping,Solay Himalayan Salt Crystal Lamps (35-50lbs)Solay Wellness, Inc.,BestSelling,Off,Savings,Gifts,Cool,Hot,Top,Sellers,Overview,Specifications,Feature,on sale,Solay Himalayan Salt Crystal Lamps (35-50lbs)Solay Wellness, Inc. Solay Himalayan Salt Crystal Lamps (35-50lbs)Solay Wellness, Inc.

Solay Himalayan Salt Crystal Lamps (35-50lbs) Overview

Bring nature into indoors in a big way with these artisan hand-crafted, dramatic display pieces that enrich our air and nurture our bodies with the healthy ions of an ocean breeze, soothe our soul with their blissful radiance and neutralize EMFs from electrical devices. Ideal for window or floor displays, in entryways, reception areas and larger rooms. Each Solay Himalayan Salt Crystal lamp is hand-chiseled to preserve its primordial energy and maximize its therapeutic benefits, and is cradled on a beautiful, Zen-inspired wooden base and comes complete with a UL tested Dimmer cord, 15 watt bulb, gift box and care instructions. Using the highest quality salt available and designed to last a lifetime, they give off a deep, serene glow that reflects their superior mineral content: reds from iron, oranges from copper, yellows from magnesium.

Solay Himalayan Salt Crystal Lamps (35-50lbs) Feature

  • Zen Hardwood Base
  • FREE UL Tested Dimmer Cord ( value) and 15 watt bulb
  • Individual box and care instructions
  • Ion radius: Approx: 16'
  • Your purchase supports 'Fair Trade'. Fair Trade assures that no child labor is used, above average wages are paid, medical services are provided and Human Rights are observed