Thursday, October 27, 2011

#CHEAP Car Air Ionizer/PurifierAnex

Car Air Ionizer/Purifier

Car Air Ionizer/Purifier

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Car Air Ionizer/Purifier Overview

As you drive, you are constantly bombarded with air pollution-not only from passing cars and trucks, but from nearby factories and cities. Air poisons can take a toll on your energy and alertness, making you drowsy, giving you headaches. The air purifier not only cleans the air, but produces beneficial negative ions-imparting a crisp "after-the- storm" freshness that can make you feel clear-headed and revitalized! Trips seem shorter, you arrive fresh and fit! The air purifier plugs into your car's lighter. It is safe and quiet, it doesn't produce heat or chemicals. It uses space-age "vacuum electronic gun" technology to produce air-cleansing negative ions. Once you try it, you'll never drive without it! Get one for each car in the family!

Car Air Ionizer/Purifier Feature

  • Generates negative ions for a cleaner & healthier atmosphere
  • Reduces dust, pollen and airborn bacteria
  • Significantly reduces tobacco & other irritating odors
  • Replaces odors and staleness with sweet-smelling "spring freshness!"